Stefan Durlach

Psychotherapist & Counselling Psychologist

helping people find their way

Stefan Durlach

Psychotherapist & Counselling Psychologist

helping people find their way

About Stefan

Stefan Durlach M.A., MAPS, AFBPsS

Academic Qualifications

1989: ‘Vordiplom’: Psychology (Bachelor – equivalent) – TU Berlin
1994: M.A. in the Psychology of Therapy and Counselling – Regent’s College/Antioch University, London

Long before there were stringent ongoing professional development requirements Stefan has always had a strong desire and urge to understand himself, life, and the human condition. This has kept him on an ongoing journey to explore areas of study and inquiry, which engage with these issues, such as psychology, psychotherapy, spirituality and philosophy.

He continuously engages in (professional development) activities such as personal reading, attending professional seminars, workshops, conferences, and reading groups, as well as writing, convening small interest groups, and developing workshops himself. These activities keep him up to date with the developments in the field.

Apart from such structured activities he also does this by consciously engaging with and reflecting on his own life, his interactions with other people, and the wider world.

Stefan has over 30 years’ experience as a psychologist and psychotherapist. He has worked in private practice in London and Sydney over a period of 25 years. He has also been employed in a variety of government, non-government, tertiary education, and private settings in England and Australia. He worked in the grief and loss field within health department services for 20 years, providing grief counselling to bereaved community members, and grief and loss education to other health professionals.

Stefan has lived in five different countries and he has travelled extensively. This has given him an appreciation for difference in its varied manifestations in life. It has also sensitized him to the many unquestioned assumptions, which tend to structure thinking patterns within societies and subcultures within them.