Psychotherapy and counselling for adult individuals
I offer online consultations as well as in person consultations in Elizabeth Street, Sydney. (Services provided in English or German.)
Relationships – at home and at work
Love, sex, intimacy
Childhood Trauma
Behavioural and relational patterns
Life direction / transitions / crises / adjustments
Internal conflicts
Spirituality and Existential issues
Illness, death, living & dying
Grief, loss, bereavement
Freedom, meaning, isolation/loneliness
Jungian oriented dream work for recurring, significant, disturbing or puzzling dreams.
For anyone who is interested in exploring their dreams and what they might mean for their lives.
For health professionals
Clinical supervision/debriefing
Psychological consultancy for the ‘wounded healer’
Most people that I see have functioning lives and want to discuss certain issues outside of their social, family, or work environment, either because what they want to address is to do with these circles, because they need to sort something out for themselves but require a sounding board for this process (as sometimes they feel it affects their interaction with others) or because the issue puts them under a lot of internal or external pressure and people in their lives don’t have the time, ability, or willingness to listen and support them.
I tend to work best with people who are open to or familiar with the nature of psychological services.
Have a look at this video from the School of Life, which resonates with how I see therapy:
Or, if you have a bit more time and like to read:
‘The Talking Cure’ – Normal people, their hidden struggles and the life-changing power of therapy. Written by Prof. Gillian Straker & Dr.
Jacqui Winship (2019)
Collaboratively addressing the questions and issues that really matter to you.