Stefan Durlach

Psychotherapist & Counselling Psychologist

helping people find their way

Stefan Durlach

Psychotherapist & Counselling Psychologist

helping people find their way

Third Party Payments

Third party payments, such as Medicare funded or subsidised services enable some people in the community to receive psychological services, which they may be in urgent need of and would otherwise not be able to afford.

However, there appears to be a lack of community awareness that these subsidies are intended for medically diagnosed mental illnesses. This stands in contrast to an increasingly widespread expectation that psychological services in general will be subsidised by Medicare.

Apart from a lack of awareness regarding the purpose of third party payment arrangements, many people in the community are also not aware of some important implications to such arrangements. For more detailed information about these implications please see my blog article. In the article I explain why I prefer to work outside of third party payment structures due to the implications such arrangements have for the nature of psychological work.

Blog article: Third Party Payments, Psychological Services, Medicine, and Evidence-based Practice