Stefan Durlach

Psychotherapist & Counselling Psychologist

helping people find their way

Stefan Durlach

Psychotherapist & Counselling Psychologist

helping people find their way

The Power of the Mind

The Power of the Mind

Largely throughout the 20th century, Western culture has discovered the power of the mind on an unprecedented scale. These days we are confronted with some extreme versions of this. On the one hand, there is the increasingly widespread phenomenon of a cultural malaise...
Reflections on psychological absence

Reflections on psychological absence

Some time ago my wife gave me an inexpensive skin care product, and due to its nature, she gave me several of them at once. This was a new and unusual experience for me: Up until this point I would always keep one of these products for personal use, and when it was...
Intentional Communities: Some pitfalls and questions

Intentional Communities: Some pitfalls and questions

Authenticity: An Example I recently came across a website run by a group of coaches, relationship, leadership and communication experts. On their ‘Authentic Community Leadership’ training site it stated that: “At Authentic World, we’ve created an “Authentic Community”...